Friday, February 29, 2008

Would your
mother be proud?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Boy caught
naughty boy.
Boy court

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

-.-. .- -. -. --- - --. . - - --- -- .- -.-. .... .. -. . .-.-.- . .- .-. - .... --.- ..- .- -.- . - --- --- ... - .-. --- -. --. .-.-.- -. --- .-- .- - . .-. .-.-.- ..-. .. .-. . ... - .... . -.-- -... ..- .-. -. .-.-.- ... . -. -.. .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.-

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Brown in town.
Love to make
Maida move.
Beat the bounce
in Citypink.
The professional
approach to mingling
with lesbians.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Some crazy bitch
is putting tortoises
in the fridge.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Gascoigne Diaries:

June 1996-

Involved in

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Okay, right...
Ahm, It's 'Official'
we are a nation
of drunks.
London has
the fattest kids.
A knifed boy
was an orphan.
And, Maddie sighting
was actually a different
blonde haired little
girl. Whoda thunk?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

told me

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This charming man...
A Dracula family
whose last name
is Frankenstein.
A crocodile wife
a murderous life.
Reward for your
10 million pound scam?.
At least you're going down
with Fulham.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Obesity is like...
global warming.
Okay, I'll bite.
Fish are like...
carrot batons.
And birth is like...
a point head stick.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Lady Madonna,
When will you learn?
It's not the cocks
you've sucked
or the gallons of sperm.
It's talent you lack.
It matters not
how many a penis
you have blown.
It's talent you lack
you sad old hack.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Sooner or later, life will catch up with you. Someone you love or depend upon will leave you or they will die. So, if you have your health and a few coins in your pocket why not do something you enjoy tonight? If you are lucky enough to be in love spoil the one you love. If your not chat someone up on the bus, tube or train. Ask them out for a dinner or a drink. The worst they can say is “no” and you have only your self dignity to lose…and that’s not a lot. Forget about the commercialism of St. Valentines’ Day and have a good time. Shag something. Eat lovely food and drink expensive Champagne. Be in the moment. Moments are, after all, finite. Your moments and your chances will, one day, run out. Then what? Who knows? But that’s when…when life will have caught up with you. So, while you're able…run from the consequences. Flee. Leg it while you still can.

If all else fails and you still find yourself alone do something that will make you happy. If that means taking a handful of barbiturates and rolling into a ball in front of the television…go for it. If you want to go for a long run along the river…do that. Just remember that the clock is also running. And it’s not running in your favour.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

On the 452
this morning:
Death boards
at Queenstown
Road. The elderly
scream and
punch windows,
a bid for escape.
Children on
school runs
just laugh
in uniforms
funnel shaped.
Death doesn't make
a fuss. He takes
his seat just like
the rest of us.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Camden Market’s
burning down,
burning down,
burning down.
Fire, will you
take the scumbags
take the scumbags
with you?

Camden Market’s
burning down,
burning down,
burning down.
Fire, will you
take the death flags
take the death flags
with you?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Corpse sands
head found
behind boutique.
Leg set
and torso
oh, tre chic.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Using a mobile phone
does not increase the risk
of AHH shit developing brain
cancer. Ahh. Catn see straight.
Studee found regular use
of DDAAAHHRR devices
did not significantly affect
the human gynone, fucking
sheep everywhere developing
glioma, meningioma and pituitary
adenoma. Ah, hursts to think. Ah,
hurts to think so much all the time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chemically treated body parts
on sale to the public:
but, they'll cost an arm and a leg.
16 transparent horizontal slices
of a human (head, neck, torso, extremities).
Standard quality (fragile): €1,400, [£1050]”
says the price list. “Robust quality
(unbreakable): €2,800. [£2100]”
Pet owners are a particularly promising market.
“The little dog can then hang as a transparent slice
on the wall and look at his master for all eternity.”
Cost of a sliced lapdog: €460. A millimetre-thin slice
of a horse's head will be offered for €900-€1,800.

Monday, February 4, 2008

S&M flat.
Hang the
full of...
meat hooks.

D o w n

in studded
Class A
not B or C
S&M flat
in Battersea.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Shell Oil.
Billions of
in profit.
But scandal
does embroil.