Thursday, March 27, 2008

I mean you would have to,
wouldn't you?
Viva La France...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Family outing.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Girls in old Volvos drive me mad.
Their dogs in the backseat looking so sad.
They're early sixties stylized,
my true ambitions realized.
They're so disassociated and cool
and those dogs, how they drool
on the re-upholstered seats
of discounted, faux, bengal fur.
There are sunglasses hiding
vacant stares, despondent pouts
and looks like, "WHO CARES?"
Turning signals never work
and epoxied dash attachments
and little quirks make me want to scream,
"I LOVE YOU !" each time they drive past.
Four on the floor or three in the tree,
it really makes no difference to me.
Their exhaust is noxious, but then so am I.
Cross my heart and hope to die
stick a needle in my eye but...
Fifty five in the slow lane drives me wild.
They're going nowhere and not getting there fast.
You, Volvo Girl, are rebel. You are outcast.
And it is not your fault that people do not
understand your constant and undeviating
requirement for individuality and your disdain
for the human race. So don't let them stare you in the face .
Because you'll get nothing back but a look that says, "DROP DEAD, DUDE."
I dream to find one broken down one day.
An "eighteen hundred E," my dear
what would you say to your knight in shining armor
coming to your automotive rescue?
You, in your leather jacket and paint splattered jeans,
and that interesting hair cut, you know what it means
to embrace those old Swedish machines
and make them young again
like I know you would me.
And I'd be down on my knees
and you'd rattle your keys just out of my reach.
I want to be your hairless dog
and run on the beach and pick up your sticks
and ride in your car and drool on your seats.
I want to be your ornamental pooch.
To conquer the world back
to an airbagless age with lapbelts and leaded.
So lock me in your cage of dispassionate bemusement
and let's drive, honey.
Let's just drive.

Monday, March 24, 2008

We are

Friday, March 21, 2008

Bad Friday.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

One feels
like one
might die

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Guilt, guilt guilt.
It gets you


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rest in peace, Anthony.
You were much too young.

Monday, March 17, 2008

So, that was then,
and this is now.
I remember…
you, like
a warm English day.

You took the piss.
Letting me down
hills in my pram.
Pretending you
had died. In any
given afternoon.
I kicked a football
Into boiling water.
You told me
they went to the moon
in my damp, damp room
You are always.
You are always.
Pretending or not.
I remember you,
like a warm English day.

Letting me down
hills in my pram.


Friday, March 14, 2008

She awoke
I asked...
but nothing
was wrong.
We keep
our secrets.

She loves her lies.
I worship my sleep.
My pain,
my teeth.
my misunderstanding
our misunderstanding
nothing more
a word.
Any word
Shout one out:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rush on supermarkets.
Booze is demanded.
Tesco warns:
'There's enough
for everybody.'
But is there?
Labour pricing pubs
out forever.
And, well I never...
never thought...
I'd see the day or live
the night. Without
a fire by my side.
Without that burning
deep inside.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Alistair, darling
you smug little git.
4p on a pint?
You're taking the piss.

Tax the chavs,
tax the rich...
leave my beer alone.
You cowardly bitch.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This has nothing
to do with London.

New York, in fact.

Debbie, in fact.
Seems to have
It appears
to me.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Find a paper
from 300
years ago.
Same news.
Same crap.
Same worries.
Same rap.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Special Oil
Special Oil
Special Oil
it your bible.
Use it on your

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

No news
I can say.
All made in
the USA.
What rhymes
with Hillary?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

They're coming to town.
Indeed they are.
To protest.
They're not
even Sheffield United
supporters. At least
I don't think they are.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The King
of Soho
is dead.
Long live
The King.